
MOBC offers special activities for children of preschool age. 

These include:

Children under 3 and their parents are welcome to use the Resource Room as a creche space during the 9:30am Sunday services where books and toys are provided.

TEENIE WEENIES (3-5 years old)

Teenie Weenies runs during the 9:30am Sunday services. Children go straight to their activities on arriving for the service where they take part in singing, games, Bible teaching and craft. The Teenie Weenies join the main congregation for the final 10 minutes of the service where they show the craft they have made.



Playtime runs on Thursdays, from 9:30-11.00am, and is a fun morning of free play including themed craft, singing and storytime for children and their parents or carers. Activities are organised and toys are provided, along with morning tea. Cost for the morning is $5.

Minooka is a 'not for profit' community pre-school, and a project of the Mortdale-Oatley Baptist Church. Christian values influence the way our pre-school is operated. Minooka has been providing quality preschool education in the local area for more than 45 years and has consistently scored 'Exceeding' in all 7 quality areas of the National Quality Standard Rating.




Sundays 9:30am and 5pm
1-5 Woronora Parade, Oatley
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