
Create is an art and craft group that meets on Fridays during school terms from 9am-12pm. There are classes for Card Making, Paper Tole, Patchwork and Embroidery. Other activities include Sketching, Water Colours, Knitting, Crochet, Cross-stitch and Beading. Alternatively there is the option to enjoy a game of Scrabble. Cost, including morning tea, is $5 with profits being used to support The Smith Family.


Create also features special morning teas and fundraisers with barista coffee, and biannual markets where anyone can come and purchase beautiful handmade craft gifts.


Market Days 2024

  • Friday, July 5 - Mid-Year Market Day - 9am-12pm
  • Friday, November 22 - Christmas Market - 9am-12pm
Sundays 9:30am and 5pm
1-5 Woronora Parade, Oatley
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