Our Mission & Vision

MOBC’s Mission Statement explains why the church exists.

Our mission is to make disciples who make disciples.

The Bible tells how before returning to heaven Jesus charged His followers with this precise task. He told them ‘All authority in heaven and earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.’ Matthew 28v18-20 (New International Version) We understand the word ‘disciples’ to mean fully-formed followers of Jesus Christ, so MOBC exists to help people come to faith, grow in their faith and share their faith with others.


MOBC’s Vision Statement is a picture, painted with words, of what it will look like if the church fulfils its Mission Statement.

Our vision is of a passionate, dynamic and joyful Christian community where every member is learning about Christ, loving like Christ, living for Christ, leaning on Christ, and leading others to Christ.

Our Vision Statement is inspired by the example of the first Christians who ‘devoted themselves to the Apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer’ and who saw the Lord add to their number daily those who were being saved (Acts 2v42-47).


God has given us a heart for a multi-generational, multi-ethnic church that is growing spiritually and numerically – an open hearted Christian community where you can find love, hope and help.

We invite you to join your heart with ours.

A Heart for All Ages - One church family where everyone can belong

A Heart for All People - One church family, colourfully diverse and unified

A Heart for Growth - One church family, growing up and going out


Our dream is of...

  • One church family of over 600 people, including 150 children, 100 youth, 50 young adults and 100 seniors.
  • Additional worship services and Growth Groups in English, Mandarin and Cantonese.
  • A hub where our youth and young adults get together, eat together, study the Bible together and encourage one another in the Christian faith.
  • 80% of the congregation participating in Growth Groups, across more than 40 groups.
  • A discipleship training hub focused on:
    • equipping and releasing every member into local Christian service.
    • equipping and releasing every member to confidently share the Christian faith.
    • identifying, developing and supporting new leaders.
  • A growing presence in the local community.
  • Supporting and resourcing smaller Baptist congregations in our region.
  • Sending out more than 5 individuals, couples or families into full-time pastoral or missionary work.
  • A growing staff team, including a full-time reception, a Pastor for Children & Families, a Pastor for Multi-Ethnic Ministries, a Pastor for Community Care and an Executive Pastor/Business Manager.




Sundays 9:30am and 5pm
1-5 Woronora Parade, Oatley
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