Community Care

In early 2014 MOBC established ‘MOBC Community Care Incorporated’ to:

  • Consolidate, complement and develop MOBC’s existing community services to provide further avenues for those who are not-yet Christian to come to faith in Jesus Christ, the Saviour.
  • Identify unmet physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs in the Mortdale-Oatley community.
  • Source funding to provide high-quality, professionally run services.
  • Provide high-quality, professionally run, services that respond to identified needs.
  • Utilize the wealth of community talent and goodwill that exists, through the recruitment, training and use of volunteers.
  • Educate, through information, training, and advice, so empowering people to respond to their own needs and those of others.
  • Cooperate with other service providers in order to accomplish what cannot be done alone.
  • Grow the sense of community that already exists in the Mortdale-Oatley area by creating opportunities for people to connect and support each other.

MOBC Community Care is a ministry of MOBC and is supported by its Board of Directors all of whom are members of Mortdale-Oatley Baptist Church.

Given the nature of MOBC’s existing community services one area of development is that of better supporting families. To this end MOBC Community Care is committed to running the following programs:

Most couples spend countless hours preparing for the wedding, but little, if any time preparing for married life. The Marriage Preparation Course can help you develop strong foundations for a lasting marriage.

Over five sessions of the course you will discover practical tools to help you build the foundations for a lasting marriage. You will look at:

  • The importance of commitment
  • How to recognise and appreciate your differences
  • The art of communication
  • Resolving conflict
  • The importance of spending time together and nurturing your friendship
  • Making each other feel loved
  • Developing a good sexual relationship
  • The importance of talking about your goals, values and dreams

The Marriage Course is for any couple who wants to invest in their relationship, whether you have been together 1 or 61 years and whether you have a strong relationship or are struggling.

A seven session course set in a fantastic atmosphere. You will be served with a candlelit meal and/or coffee, tea and dessert at a romantic table for two while listening to practical talks that are informative, fun.

There is never any group work and you will never be asked to share anything about your relationship with anyone other than your partner.

Over seven sessions of the course you will discover practical tools to help you:

  • Understand each other’s needs
  • Communicate more effectively
  • Grow closer through resolving conflict
  • Heal the ways you’ve hurt each other
  • Recognise how your upbringing affects your relationship
  • Improve relationships with parents and in-laws
  • Develop greater sexual intimacy
  • Discover each other’s love languages and much, much more!

The Parenting Children Course is for any parents, step-parents, prospective parents or carers of children aged 0 – 10 years.

Family life is under great pressure today and parents face bewildering choices about how to parent effectively. Discovering we are not alone in the challenges we face and picking up ideas from other parents can make a huge difference. We can all learn how to make even the happiest family better.

The Parenting Children Course is made up of five weekly sessions lasting 2 hours, including time for supper.

Session topics:

  • Building strong foundations
  • Meeting our children’s needs
  • Setting boundaries
  • Teaching healthy relationships
  • Our long term aim

The Parenting Teenagers Course is for any parents, step-parents, or carers of children aged 11 – 18 years.

We are the main influence on our teenagers’ future. Discovering we are not alone in the challenges we face and picking up ideas from other parents can make a huge difference. Meeting our teenagers’ deepest needs, setting healthy boundaries, helping to develop their emotional health and teaching them how to make good choices takes skill and dedication. Taking time to reflect on our end goal can help us to build our relationship with our teenagers now.

Session topics:

  • Keeping the end in mind
  • Meeting our teenager’s needs
  • Setting boundaries
  • Developing emotional health
  • Helping them make good choices
Sundays 9:30am and 5pm
1-5 Woronora Parade, Oatley
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